The Railroad is recruiting them young! Not really. : ) We had to take Franky to work yesterday. Alex loves to drive into the train yard where the BNSF shop is located. There is always something very exciting going on there. From a train of cars going through the yard to a crane lifting equipment onto a rail car. This thrills Alex. He begs to "just sit and watch".
The yard was especially busy yesterday. There were loaders working in the yard, freight cars being loaded onto the train by two giant cranes, complete trains moving through the yard and lots of large equipment used to repair the track parked near the shop. Red Head was in heaven. He begged to stay with Dad so that he could watch all the action just a little while longer.
Since we had to get back home, he settled on having his picture taken with Dad in his very own (borrowed) hard hat. It's awesome to see how much Alex already admires his Daddy. He told me on the way home that when he grows up, he's going to work with trains just like Dad. Too cute.
1 comment:
I loved all the new pictures that you’ve put up along with the anecdotes; they were all done so well, and the whole site is beautiful! The Advent calendar is really a creative idea … if anyone could do something that innovative, it would be you. Thanks for sharing.
I have the website saved in my favorites and venture to it when I’m on line. Keep up the good work on the website.
L, Jeannette
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