So much time has passed and so many things have happened since I last posted. I guess it would be best to start where I left off. Our trip to San Francisco was AMAZING! It was so awesome to spend time reconnecting and enjoying the beautiful city. We left on a Friday. Red was not even phased by the fact we were leaving. In fact he was pushing us out the door excited to begin his own fun weekend with Papa and Mow!
I enjoyed the ride. Franky and I talked (not just about Red!), we laughed and enjoyed ourselves without a peep from the back seat. That was a little strange for both of us, but really nice. :)
When we got to the hotel we decided on a game plan for our weekend. Then off we went. We started off at a little deli that Franky visits when ever he's working in the Bay. I don't remember the name but will say that they had the BEST tri-tip sandwiches I have EVER had!Because it is mostly a grab and go type place, we had a little picnic in our car. How romantic...
After we finished eating, we headed to Berkley. I love to walk through the shops there. Franky, not so much. He was a great sport though. I found a great scrap booking shop that I would've spent the whole weekend exploring.
We left Berkeley and decided to go to the movies. We saw the Transporter 2. It was ugh... really bad. I guess the first one was better. I never saw it. Don't know if I'd want to! We enjoyed ourselves though. We had a good laugh at some of the bad acting and unrealistic stunts. If any of you have seen it, our favorite bad acting moment was when the red headed girl says (three different times), "Am- I -in -heaven?" We still joke about that phrase...Bad, bad acting.
The next day we took the BART into the city. It's interesting the people you meet. I spent most of the trip talking to a guy who gave me a detailed history of the BART and the politics surrounding the placement of its stations. When he asked where we were from and we told him Porterville, another man joined in our conversation. He was a very handsome man in his 50's. He told us that he currently lives in the Cayman Islands but was born and grew up in Terra Bella. Wow, what a small world. He laughed when I told him I regularly visited Terra Bella with my job and that it probably still looks exactly like it did when he left!
When we got to the city, we went to Golden Gate Park to visit the Conservatory of Flowers. It was so beautiful. We scoped out the Museum of Science and decide it was a place we would need to visit with Red. We visited Fisherman's Wharf then took the trolly to Chinatown. I had never been there before. I felt like I had stepped into another country. The architecture and colors were amazing. I felt so immersed in the Chinese culture as we made our way down the streets and through the shops.
By the time we had left the city, we had taken every form of public transportation available, walked miles, taken lots of fabulous pictures, eaten wonderful food,lost a box of Sees candy (we bought for Mow & Papa), shopped a little, watched the "bush man" scare people at the wharf, bought a souvenir for Red and just enjoyed being together.
On Sunday, we (I) was lucky enough to get to experience the Alameda Flea Market. I could write for days about how wonderful it is but I won't. I'll just say that I LOVE it and can't wait to go back!!!
Red was happy to see us when we got home. He had a blast. My parents said they would happily keep him again for us but the dogs...not so much. I guess Reese and Sophie were revolting because we were gone. They were terrors. Reese even got on the counter and ate two rolls of salami my mom had bought to send my brother. Papa wasn't too happy about that one. :0
Thanks so much Papa & Mow. We had a GREAT time!